Saturday, 12 January 2013

(Blog Hop) - Thank You From The Bottom of My Bathroom Basin

This blog hop is supposed to be about someone in your life who means a lot to you. But I found it really hard to decide who to choose. You see, there are so many people in my life whom I love dearly and admire greatly. I can't even list them, because that would involve putting them in some sort of order and I didn't want to do that, it just felt so wrong. What I really wanted to do, in fact, was to find some way of mixing them up and figuratively pulling a single name out of the hat, that didn't involve some mechanical procedure such as literally pulling names out of a hat.

In the end, I decided to solve this problem by focusing right down on the moment I am living in now. When I decided this, I was walking to collect my son from the house of the amazing lady who collects him (and a few other children) at the end of the school day, and looks after him until I get home from work. He is so happy there, and our lives are by far the richer for knowing her and her family.

Besides all this, she has even got him eating lasagne at her house and demanding second helpings!!! I have no clue how she does this, besides being a pretty incredible cook. Last time he ate my lasagne, he was a little baby who would eat everything, even paper: perhaps I need to work on those culinary skills a bit more.

So how do I make something that describes her personality? She is organised and calm; so I chose a regular, symmetrical design. She loves nature, so I chose a mottled green ceramic focal, wooden spacers and handmade black glass beads. She also loves the vintage/antique look so I included some glass pearls.

As you will see from the time of this posting, it's night-time here at the moment, so after some experimentation I have photographed this in the whitest, lightest area of the house (drum-roll....:) Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Our bathroom basin.

You can find the rest of the blog hop at Lori's blog.


  1. It's great to have a support person in your life and especially one who enriches the life of children. Like the combo of wood, ceramic and glass.

    1. Thank you! It takes a village to raise a child, as they say...

  2. It always amazes me when someone uses such diverse materials to a cohesive whole....lovely!

  3. A lovely piece that thoughtfully reflects this lady's personality

  4. Your choice of who to honor was well thought out , and you did a great job....the bracelet is so pretty.

  5. You did a great job on your bracelet tribute. Isn't it wonderful to thank the people who enrich or lives. Thanx for sharing.

  6. Now that sounds like a great woman to have around! A perfect choice for a thank you right this moment (although I'm sure you thank her all the time...) But this is a special way to do it. love the bracelet and I'm sure she will too.

    What comes next? "pocket full of rye" my brain is struggling to sing the song as I read your post. fighting temptation to take the lazy way and just google it.

  7. Such a great idea to honor the woman who watches your child. Isn't it wonderful to have someone like her in your life? Great job with the beautiful bracelet.

  8. The love you put into this will translate well to such a sweet woman who obviously loves children.

  9. My family had a lovely caretaker of our kids when they were small. I always was amazed at how calm she could be in the midst of all those kids and how she got them to do things that never happened at home! Thank you for sharing your story and your creation. Enjoy the day! Erin

  10. Sweet bracelet for a sweet lady! She is sure to love it! Love all the different elements you used! Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoyed the hop. I'm still making my way through the list.
    Terri G.

  11. Very pretty bracelet for a very nice woman.

  12. Your bracelet has a calm organized look to it. Great way to thank your childcare giver.

  13. Such a lovely bracelet for a lovely woman!
